Wireless Laser-Gate Timing System for Track and Field

By on June 7, 2020
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The system consists of two finish line modules and one start line module.

In the finish line, you will have an Arduino UNO, nRF24L01+ Transceiver, LED button pad, photoresistors, LEDs, plastic enclosure, and tripod together with my Finish Line PCB. This module acts as the master, from the LED button pad you will decide when to start the timer.

On the opposite side of the track, you will have a laser that is aligned with the photoresistors. You can either buy a Keyes laser module, a 3.3V regulator, a 9V battery, and my Laser Module PCB, or you can provide your own laser pointer. What matters is that the laser is in a steady position and provides enough light.

In the start line, you will have an Arduino UNO, nRF24L01+ Transceiver, speaker, LEDs, plastic enclosure, and my Start Line PCB. This module is in constant communication with the master and uses an LED to inform the user that it is still connected. When measuring time, the LED will change color.

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About Carlo Palumbo

Electronics and informatics are my biggest passions and through the development of projects in both areas during my graduation I was able to improve skills required to become expert in both. Curiosity was essential to increase my willing for learning more every day and that same curiosity is what motivates me to keep developing my knowledge. I have also attended the iOS Apple Developer Academy in Naples and won the WWDC18 contest. LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlo-palumbo-992358111/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO-HWem97Jj0kjwYH-1vIXQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patana93 GitHub: https://github.com/patana93

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