The new Raspberry B+ is here for RasPi lovers

By on July 14, 2014
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RS Components just announced the availability of Raspberry Pi Model B +.

After the success with Model B, three million items sold, Raspberry Pi has been enhanced with several new features and functions included in the Model B + version. Apparently:

  • the energy consumption of the Pi Model B+ are significantly lower  (between 20% and 30% less than the B)
  • I / O lines have been expanded  replacing the GPIO socket with one for 40-pin connectors (pinout for the first 26 contacts remains identical to that of the original Model B)
  • The number of USB ports is doubled from two to four

Other small changes concern the size of the board, to better align the connectors on the sides of the PCB. Additionally, they will be four mounting holes instead of two, to improve the stability of the board when inside other systems. Finally, to keep pace with technological developments, interface for SD cards has been replaced by an interface for microSD cards.


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