Temperature predicting using boltiot

By on February 10, 2022
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Hardware required

  • The Bolt Wifi module
  • 3 female to male wire
  • Temperature Sensor: LM35 sensor


Connecting the LM35 sensor to the Bolt

Step 1: Hold the sensor in a manner such that you can read LM35 written on it.

Step 2: In this position, identify the pins of the sensor as VCC, Output and Gnd from your left to right.

In the above image, VCC is connected to the red wire, Output is connected to the orange wire and Gnd is connected to the brown wire.Step 3: Using male to female wire connect the 3 pins of the LM35 to the Bolt Wifi Module as follows:

  • VCC pin of the LM35 connects to 5v of the Bolt Wifi module.
  • Output pin of the LM35 connects to A0 (Analog input pin) of the Bolt Wifi module.
  • Gnd pin of the LM35 connects to the Gnd.

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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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