• Automated overhead camera assistant

    Have you ever wished to have an extra pair of hands in the lab to handle the camera while you are focused on your project? In this article we will build an automated assistant camera, which can...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • uStepper S Line: New generation of uStepper with huge performance upgrades

    But what is uStepper? In short, uStepper is a product, improving performance of a motor type called “stepper motors”. Stepper motors are used in a wide range of applications where you have to move something, a certain...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • MotionPro 6600: The Motion Controller For All Your Needs

    MotionPro 6600 is a new motion controller development board for any electronic project with moving parts such as milling machines, robots, mechanical arms, sliders or moving part machines. Designed for any application or project that uses stepper motors...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Dotter: DIY Arduino Powered Dot Matrix Printer

    Dotter is a huge dot matrix printer based on Arduino. Most of the parts are 3D printed, there are also 28BYJ48 stepper motors (the cheapest stepper motors you can find) and some basic components. It can print...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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