• Astrobee Robots are Ready to Assist the Astronauts on the ISS

    Developed at NASA Ames Research Center, the Astrobee bots are named Honey, Queen and Bumble. They are free-flying and driven by Ubuntu and offer autonomous or remote-controlled navigation. NASA has deployed them on the ISS for assisting...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • StereoPi: Stereoscopic Camera with Raspberry Pi Inside

    StereoPi project was born to provide a way of connecting two Raspberry Pi cameras to a single board. Using a Raspberry Pi Computer Module the system offers dual cameras at the required spacing for stereophotography. It also brings out...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • OTTO, the Open Source Music Production Box

    The portable synthesiser workstation created by Topisani started as a clone of the well-known Teenage Engineering OP-1. However over time Topisani has pushed the music box in a new direction and is currently designing a new user...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Rolling Material Monitoring based on the Simatic IOT2020

    This project recently won the Hackster community design contest based on the SIMATIC IOT2020 industrial IoT gateway. The contest was aimed at engineers, makers and students and challenged them to come up with innovative applications and solutions based...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Google Assistant SDK now available for prototyping voice agent technology on Raspberry Pi 3

    Google has released a Python-based Google Assistant SDK that’s designed for prototyping voice agent technology on the Raspberry Pi 3. The Google Assistant SDK is initially designed for prototyping voice agent technology on the Raspberry Pi 3 using Python...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Microsoft open-sources P language for IoT

    Microsoft’s P language, for asynchronous event-driven programming and the IoT (internet of things), has been open-sourced. Geared for embedded systems, device drivers, and distributed services, P is a domain-specific language the compiles to and interoperates with C,...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Marty the 3D printed open-source robot for STEM education launches on Indiegogo

    Marty the Robot is a being promoted through a new indiegogo campaign that’s hoping to introduce robotics to younger generations. What is exactly “Marty”? he is an open-source, fully programmable, WiFI ready and 3D printable robot designed to be incredibly customizable,...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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