• DIY the Arduino Hungry Robot!

    “This is fun, makes me smile, and feels good.” Sometimes, the best robots are less functional and more emotional. If you agree these words, you should definitely build your own Hungry Robot using Arduino along with some...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • WarPI: Raspberry Pi Zero Powered Scientific Calculator

    Do I build it, or do I buy it? Starting from this paralyzing doubt, the maker Andrea Cavalli had no choice but to build it, of course! Thanks to a Raspberry Pi Zero, a 3d Printed case and...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • JPL’s Open Source Rover Project: Build-It-Yourself Rover

    NASA/JPL has been behind the building of some of the coolest rovers ever to roll on the surface of Earth and elsewhere. Rovers will continue to be a big part of exploring our solar system and NASA...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • 3D Printed TaskCam Requests for Pictures!

    Cultural probes aim to elicit unique responses by asking people to respond to a question, many times in the form of a photograph. The most basic type in this series of cameras is known as the TaskCam, which...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Watney: Fully Open Source 3D Printed Rover

    While many vehicle projects implement 3D printing, most of them use them in small parts and portions. So, it’s fascinating to see a device which is 3D printable from start to finish. Nik Ivanov set out to...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • 3D Printed Impressive Flattening Bot

    Starting from an existing design from a 2013 research done at UC Berkeley, this Arduino-powered bot created by Ali Aslam is built entirely from printed parts and off the shelf hardware. An Arduino Pro Mini combined with...

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  • Shedding Light: when Open Source serves the research in biology and bioengineering

    The open source movement has facilitated the development of low cost and easy-to-use technologies for scientific settings. A study published in PLOS ONE describes the creation of a novel multi-fluorescence imaging system from readily available, low cost components. “Fluorescence...

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  • Inspired by Google-Glass, Delhi boy invents device for hearing impaired

    Inspired by the famous, but very expensive, Google Glass, the maker Madhav is in the process of developing low-cost “hearing glasses” or what he calls ‘Transcribe,’ which will allow people who are hearing impaired, to see the...

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  • Raspberry Pi – Pi Score MAME Arcade Cabinet

    Jeremy Williams and Sean Charlesworth designed a snap together classic arcade cabinet to house a MAME system – the Pi Score. The Pi Score Tabletop MAME arcade cabinet features a snap together classic arcade cabinet design which...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY an Arduino-Controlled Robotic Snake

    Will Donaldson recently released a full instructable to build two different 3d printed robotic snakes: the first is a single axis while the second is a double axis snake. “This instructable is technically a 2-in-1, in that...

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  • 3Dsimo Kit: the first ever assembly kit of a multi-material 3D pen

    3Dsimo after the first product 3Dsimo Mini pen – a “palm-sized workshop” which allows you to 3D draw, burn, cut foam and solder – has recently launched the new 3Dsimo kit, the first ever assembly kit of a...

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  • SmartCash makes your life easier

    SmartCash is a cylindrical electromechanical system running on an Arduino Mega which works as a euro coin sorter, storage, counter and change return machine. Its purpose is to make the cash out, from local or small businesses,...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY a Voice Controlled L3-37 Star Wars Droid

    One of the best parts of Solo: A Star Wars Story is the L3-37 droid, who’s been uniquely pieced together and upgraded from parts of other droids. The maker Patrick Stefanski has essentially done the same thing to turn Amazon’s Alexa...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY an Arduino Black Box for Your Car

    Monitoring driving habits can be interesting, but make your own telematics box, giving you total control over how data is collected and used, could be better! That’s just what maker TheForeignMan did, using an Arduino Mega to take in...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The ‘Sup: Low Cost and Open Source Mouse for Quadriplegics

    At the core of any assistive technology is finding a way to do something with whatever abilities the user has available. This can be especially difficult in the case of quadriplegia sufferers, the loss of control of...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Microsoft Research unveiled SurfaceConstellations, the open source system for cross-device workspaces

    Working in partnership with University College London, Microsoft Research has released a new modular system for creating tailored workspaces using multiple touchscreen devices: it’s called SurfaceConstellations and it is open source. The key to the system is...

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  • GamePi 2: the Handheld Raspberry Pi 3 Games Console

    Raspberry Pi enthusiast and gamer Max Mustermann has released a second version of his games console: the GamePi 2. The new handheld console is now equipped with dual joysticks together with a few tweaks to the speaker...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY an Arduino-Powered Phonograph MP3 Player

    “The problem with high tech music players is they don’t have any flash! They non conspicuously just produce music from a drab dull lifeless box. In the times of early music the mechanisms to reproduce sound were fantastic....

    • Posted 6 years ago
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