Small MIDI decoder on the Arduino UNO for Hauptwerk

By on December 14, 2020
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I built a small midi decoder based on Arduino UNO, to signal when the stops was turned on and off in the GrandOrgue (or Hauptwerk) software. Arduino reacts to incoming messages from MidiON and MidiOFF on any channel, lighting or extinguishing LED connected to pins 2 to 13 and A0 to A5. To simplify the connection to the computer, I attached the firmware of the ATmega16u2 processor (responsible for USB communication)… . The processor with the new software has become a MIDI interface, so that communication with the computer running Grandorgue (or Hauptwerk) is done using a standard USB cable in Arduino UNO. The GrandOrgue program has been set so that it sends messages including notes from C0 (60) to B0 (71) for digital-pin 2 to 13 and higher (88) notes for pin A0 to A5.The decoder can support 18 stops directly, however, after adding shift registers and a small modification of the arduino script, it can support many more registers.


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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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