PCBGRIP, an Electronics Assembly System is Crowdfunding

By on January 24, 2014
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We are pretty used to open source boards but this is one of the few tools that are actually Open Souce:

PCBGRIP is an electronics assembly system designed to make it easier to assemble and work on electronics.  Completely customizable, with open source flexibility, it holds printed circuit boards (PCBs), components, stencils, and everything else you need, improving both the quality and speed of assembly.  It solves the challenges of hand electronics assembly faced by hobbyists, makers, and assemblers.

The success that the project is having right now on kickstarter demonstrates that the approach of creating open source hardware tools is really great to engage with the community: tools should be more open that modules!

via PCBGRIP: Electronics Assembly System by PCBGRIP — Kickstarter.


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