OSHWA seeks for 5 more board members

By on August 22, 2013
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OSHWA is looking for 5 new faces to join the board of directors for the Open Source Hardware Association. Please fill out this form to become a nominee or forward the link to the person you wish to nominate for them to fill out. The purpose of this form will be to tell voting members a bit about yourself. We will be publish the nominees and their answers on Aug. 27th.

Board members hold a 2-year position. Once board members have been chosen by the community, the board will appoint a President, VP, and Secretary. Board responsibilities include fundraising, advising on goals and direction and carry out compliance with the organizations purposes and bylaws. Current board members will meet with nominees who are present at the Summit during lunch on Sept.6th. Board members Windell Oskay, Danese Cooper, and Addie Wagenknecht will remain on the board.  Nominations will be open until Aug. 26th.

via Nominations for OSHWA board member positions.



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