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openPicus presents Smartables Beta at Seedhack London

Our friends at OpenPicus just launched Smartables, a new, cloud enabled platform for professional IoT.

The company will be platinum sponsor of upcoming Seedhack in London, you’ll be able to experiment with the technology.

We reached out to openPicus CEO that insured that HW technology will be open source, as in company tradition.

The Smartables platform is made of several components:

  • A powerful and easy to use Cloud backend
  • A family of ready-to-use wireless devices
  • REST API and Web Sockets

 The Smartables devices are very easy to connect to the Internet. It is possible to access and manage them with our Cloud application and connectivity is based on MQTT to reach the best real-time like performance. It’s really immediate and responsive!

For example you can create a Javascript to let the visitors of your website interact with some objects. You can create your mobile app to create your small automations for home and office. With Node.js you can also create amazing server-side automations. Or a simple IFTTT to let your geekness shine!

Once the device appear on our Cloud workspace it’s all done! You have REST or WEB socket APIs and from there you can create anything:

  • Mobile apps
  • Javascript
  • Node.JS
  • Any language!

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