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New Orange Pi App Store!

“This new app store is much more than an easy way for Orange Pi owners to find and install great applications. Orange Pi is a powerful set of tools for developers enabling them to go much faster from development to production with CI integration, cross-platform building and beta distribution. As long as you have dreams, we could assist you to realise it in our way” said Steven Zhao, the CEO of Xunlong.

Shenzhen Xunlong Software Co. Ltd is launching an app store in partnership with Canonical to foster an active community of developers and users. Through this app store, developers gain a simple mechanism to share their applications, projects and scripts between themselves and with the wider Orange Pi community.

Applications in the store are formatted as snaps, so developers can distribute their application in a secure, confined package bundled with all its dependencies.

A number of vertical applications are available that can also accelerate the development of IoT projects such as openHAB for home IoT usage, or NextCloud for SMEs or wifi-ap for networking

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