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GSM Remote Control

PC configuration software for all remote controls described in the last four issues. This application is used to set all parameters via PC, instead of using the boring and expensive SMS configuration system.

Download “Configuratore TDG v.” (Source code VB .NET 2010)

In the articles devoted to the remote GSM modules, we have repeatedly mentioned that the programming of the numbers in the list of those qualified to command the devices and the configuration of all operating parameters could be done avoiding the long and expensive procedure through SMS; in fact we made reference to an application software that could take advantage of the USB interface to connect with our modules and check the current settings or to add new configurations. Well, now is time to talk about this program, created to facilitate the task of those who must install our TDGs. This program is really useful for the gate opener where a lot of time could be spent entering from a mobile phone, via SMS, the many numbers a phone can contain and that would cost quite a lot (unless you have a special free SMS formula with your service provider).
The software runs on Windows and needs relatively limited resources, in fact, the system requirements basically are:

– 30 MB of free space on your Hard Disk;
– a free USB port;
– XP/2000/Vista/7 OS Microsoft Windows – 32-bit or 64 bit.

This software allows you to set the settings for Remote Control, just connect the device via USB and the computer will immediately recognize the device since among other functions, our program automatically recognizes the remote that is connected. In practice, according to the connected device the program adapts its user interface, showing in the main dialog box only the tabs that relate to its configuration, excluding the rest.

Initial screen of the software


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Let’s now we see how to use the program and what are the functions therein.
Boxes Com Port  and Baud Rate summarize the information about the virtual open COM for the USB connection.
First of all, in the Information tab we find a summary of all the characteristics of the remote control during the configuration phase, i.e. model (TDG133. .. TDG140), firmware version and IMEI of the cell module installed.

The bottom section contains log information about the events registered by  the remote.
In the menu bar there are two commands:
Exit which allows you to leave the program and Database  which opens the window Phonebook, this window displays the stored phone numbers; in this window the buttons Clear List and  Update List  allow you to remove the directory or to update it. In the latter case, the program sends the new phonebook to the remote. Clicking on the question mark, instead, you get information about the program, i.e. release and more.
It should be noted that in the lower section of the main window, there is the indication “pending call from Master Number” in case you connect a remote control that has not stored at least one number, or in which the Easy Setup has not been performed.
In the same section, by clicking on Enable Extended LOG you access the dialog box shown on the left, in Figure 4, which contains all data received on the “COM” port of the computer you are using.


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The Master Numbers section summarizes the numbers in the list (8 maximum) authorized to carry out the configuration and issue commands via SMS.

Let’s see the main program window when you connect a remote DTMF (TDG140): it shows the storage of a number of those qualified to command, note that you can define (using the Position box) the position where to store the number as well as the name of the person who owns the phone you are storing.
The Phone Numbers  tab can be seen connecting any remote control version to the computer. Let’s now see the main window, specific for the TDG133 gate opener and the TDG134: note, in the right section, the tab Gate Opener Numbers, next to tab Master Numbers. By clicking on that tab, you access the window that summarizes the list of numbers related to the gate open control.

The main window of the program, in addition, offers the tab Telephone Numbers, which is different from the one seen before: in fact here there are two sections that are used to store and display both the master numbers (Master Numbers) as well as the names of the phones that can simply operate the remote control relay (Gate Open Numbers). Only for master numbers there is the possibility to specify the position where to save them.


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Well, let’s now take a look at the Notices window that we can find in the remote control with two inputs, in the DTMF remote control and in the GSM thermostat.

There, you can specify, for each phone number included in the list of master numbers, that in case of failure it has to receive the alert via SMS, with a simple phone call, or by means of both methods. The selection is made by putting a tick in the boxes, on the understanding that it is not mandatory for the numbers to receive the notifications: the remote control also works without activating the function.

For the GSM remote control 2 IN – 2 OUT, and the DTMF remote there is, in the main window, a tab used to set the alarm logic and the timing for the detection of the input alarms. Specifically, the tab allows to check (by querying the remote control) or to change the alarm conditions recognized at the inputs, namely the activation logic (i.e. if the input must be considered in alarm when power is supplied or in absence of power or just when there is a change in the status) the inhibition time between a level determining an alarm and the next one, as well as the observation period, that is the time range for which the alarm condition must persist in order to be considered as such.

When checking the option box Request Set Times  and by clicking on Run on the Timing  section, you can request the state of the intervals set for the recognition of the input alarms, the program responds with the notice box shown here.

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Also for remotes 2 IN – 2 OUT and DTMF, the main window of the program includes a tab (Outputs) regarding the management of the relay outputs from the special section (Manual Control), we can manually activate the relays, in bistable or impulsive modes (in this case, from the drop down menu Time we can choose the activation range) to check the correct operation of the relays and the whole remote control. The tab has a box for each command mode, that is to say, two different boxes to enable/disable the relays when operating in bistable mode. The manual command is sent by clicking on Run. In this same tab you can find the Restore on Startup section, from which we can decide if the remote control must restore the output status after a power failure, or leave them all to rest. Again the setting is done by clicking on Run.

Only for TDG140, that is the DTMF remote control, there is a tab used to program the parameters relating to the management of the device via DTMF, this tab is just for the DTMF control functions, except that in the main window are also displayed all other tabs seen so far, with the exception of the gate opener one.
The DTMF  tab contains the settings of the activation intervals for the output relays and allows to request the current setting to the remote’s micro. It also has a section from where you can decide whether the TDG140 must perform the DTMF commands unconditionally or only if the caller dials the password first. In this regard, we remind you that the password is the same as the one set in the remote for the normal control by SMS.
A third section of the DTMF  tab is the one that allows you to enable or disable the filter on calls (DTMF Call Filter): the filter, when activated, allows the remote to reply only to calls from master phone numbers, previously stored in the list; calls from other numbers or with a hidden ID, will be ignored.

Let’s now we see the tab regarding the SMS sent by the remote control as a reply to the commands or those sent after an alarm event.
The tab is SMS Text  and it has two sections: from the first one (SMS Startup Mode) you can set the text of the message sent by the remote each time it is fed and also enable or disable the corresponding function. From section Customize Alarm SMS, instead, you may define, input by input, the text of the messages sent as well as the level or the condition (low status, high status, change logic status) determining that a SMS is to be sent.


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Now, let’s take a look at the main window open for the TDG139 GSM Thermostat. This window has a specific tab, which is not present for the rest of the remotes, it is the Function  tab, from this tab it is possible to define all settings for the thermostatic operation, that is the temperature for the relay to click (basically, the temperature to be kept) and the temperature values, i.e. the alarm thresholds that when exceeded make the device send SMS or make notification calls. In the same tab you can find the section for setting the inhibition times corresponding to the only opto isolated input (Boiler input) or the temperature sensor (Temperature alarm). From the same tab, you can ask the remote current settings: just click the option box Request and then click on  Run. You may also request sending the current reading of the sensor (with Run next to  Request measured temperature) and reset the maximum and minimum temperature values registered.

The main program window on the TDG139 presents, on the right, in addition to the Master Numbers  tab, another one named System Status. This tab allows the user to enable monitoring of the remote’s operating parameters, simply by clicking on Enable Status Monitor. This tab is related with the Information tab.

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