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Grove Starter Kit for the LimeSDR Mini is Raspberry Pi Compatible

Lime Microsystems has added to its successful LimeSDR Mini crowdfunding campaign on Crowd Supply with a $249 Grove Starter Kit designed to work with a Raspberry Pi.

The Grove Starter Kit for the LimeSDR Mini offers another way to combine the SDR hacking board with a Raspberry Pi, this time for wirelessly connecting an Internet of Things gateway. The kit combines the $139 LimeSDR Mini board with SeeedStudio’s $30 GrovePi+ RPi compatible add-on board, which offers 15x Grove 4-pin interfaces.

Eric Pan, CEO of Seeed, said: “We are excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Lime Microsystems to develop the Grove Starter Kit for LimeSDR Mini. It will provide a great platform for users to learn about SDR and help kick off IoT projects with the LimeSDR Mini. We cannot wait to see what what the community will do with this new kit!”

Kit Contents

Not included in the pack is: Raspberry Pi (2, 3 or Zero can be used), power supply, and Micro SD card.

Lime is supporting the kit with its LimeSDR optimized ScratchRadio extension which is based on the Scratch educational programming language. Most of the Grove modules supplied with the kit also support Scratch. The company will also be developing non-Scratch examples that integrate with existing off-the-shelf systems, such as wireless thermostats and remote controls.


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