Fabjam results plus an announcement: Fab10 will host a FabCar Project!

By on June 20, 2014
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During the preparation of this year FabJamLuciano Betoldi, the FabCar coordinator from Barcelona, announced a great project:

“In collaboration with HP, OpenSourceVehicle and 5 other FabLabs around the world (Garagem FabLab (SP. Brasil), FabLab San Diego, FabCafe Tokyo, FaLab Manchester and Vigyam Ashram in India) FabLab Barcelona is setting out to design a concept car based on the needs and desires of the FabLab and Maker communities.

The vehicle will be based on OSV’s open source chassis, the Tabby (OSVehicle.com). Around this we will design and produce the entire body of the FabCar at FabLab Barcelona and present the vehicle at the Fab10  conference on July 2nd at Barcelona’s Design Museum, DHUB.

Our entire concept for this vehicle revolves around giving people the ability to modify, customise and adapt the vehicle to their specific needs at any given time. In order to do this we have conceived of a system of pods, which anyone will be able to design or download and make themselves at their local lab. Different pods will provide different functionalities, such as a bike rack or mobile FabLab.

via FabJam + FabCar | FabJam.

Also, you can give a look to the Fabjam website to see all the amazing projects created

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