ESP32 walkie-talkie

By on September 4, 2021
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In this project we see how to make a walkie-talkie using an ESP32; audio data is transmitted via UDP or ESP-NOW transmission. So the Walkie-Talkie will work even without a WiFi network! The system is based on an I2S microphone and an I2S amplifier, but it will work equally well with analog microphones and headphones with a small change in the code.

The schematic is very simple: using I2S boards for both the microphone and the speaker we made the wiring to the ESP32 very simple. We have added extra circuitry to the board to create a clean power supply for the microphones, specifically we take a direct power supply from the battery, filter it with an LC filter and then pass it to a Low Drop Out regulator. This gives us a nice and clean power supply for microphones that removes many noise problems.

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About Bianchi Gabriele


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