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€10.000 for the development of Precious Plastic project : in Open Source

Just few days ago our friend Dave Hakkens from Phonebloks, reached out to us to hare this exciting opportunity: in few words he’s donating an award he won (€10.000) in relation to his Precious Plastic project.

He will donate this funds to a machine builder that can take the open-source plastic project to the next step.

If you’re interested in Dave’s work you can find here the interview we had with him few months ago when he successfully launched Phonebloks project.


Budget €10.000,  materials, lunch, tools are all covered
Period January 2015 – June 2015
Christmas 2014 Last date to register
Christmas 2014  -10th January 2014 Selection process
January – June 2015 Machine design and development
June 2015 Release new blueprints

via €10.000 for open source development | precious plastic.

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