DIY Pi-Powered TV Recorder

By on March 31, 2019
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“If you are a Pi-addict like me, I’m sure you were extremely happy like I was, when was announced few months ago, the official Raspberry Pi TV HAT. At the same time, my ISP announced a new upcoming setup box, meaning that I had to initiate the “retrieval” of all TV recordings out of my existing setup.”

The maker Pierre-yves Baloche created an awesome Raspberry Pi TV recorder to help make sure you never miss your favourite digital TV show or film.
He used a WD Pi-Drive to house the Raspberry Pi3 and a Premium Raspberry Pi Zero Case to house the HAT, connected with a ribbon cable and worked out how to get the software working.

The Pi Zero Case also offers GPIO accesses on both top and bottom sides at the same time.

On software side, he kept the Raspbian GUI at first for easier control, but then he decided to switch it off to keep the command-line only interface, in order to keep as much processing power for recording and streaming from the set.

Full instructions to create your very own together with all the code you will require for a fully functioning Raspberry Pi TV recorder are available on website.

About Luca Ruggeri

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