DIY a Raspberry Pi Clock and Temperature Monitor

By on January 21, 2018
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Raspberry Pi enthusiasts searching for a quick project to keep them busy this weekend may be interested in the new Raspberry Pi Zero clock and temperature gauge which has been created by member Jeremiah Mattison.

He has Kindly published everything you need including full instructions and code overall in the website allowing you to recreate his Raspberry Pi clock with outside temperature display which uses a connection to the OpenWeatherMap online service. As well as an inside temperature displayed using a MCP9808 sensor.

The clocks display has been created using an Adafruit 1.2-inch 4-Digit 7-Segment Display, and the temperature is monitored using an Adafruit MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout Board. Jeremiah has rated the project as easy and said it should just take 60 minutes or so to create the project.

For this project he used a Raspberry Pi Zero W, but earlier this month the official Raspberry Pi Foundation announced the availability of the Pi Zero WH which comes with headers pre-soldered onto the board, making it even easier to prototype and make connections to the mini PC.

For full instructions and all available code jump over to the website.

About Luca Ruggeri

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