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Disarming Corruptor helps you encrypt STL files

Spotted on Social Media: a tool to protect the exchange of STL mesh files from espionage and censorship.

Disarming Corruptor is a tool for making reversible damage to your STL mesh file. This means you can obliterate it into something totally unrecognisable, share it online under its new guise, and selectively distribute the key code to recipients so they can reverse the damage and retrieve the original object.

In a time of prolific online espionage, crackdowns on file-sharing, and a growing concern for the 3D printing of illegal items and copyright protected artefacts, DC is a free software application that helps people to circumvent these issues. Inspired by encryption rotor machines such as the infamous Enigma Machine, the application runs an algorithm that is used to both corrupt STL files into a visually-illegible state by glitching and rotating the 3D mesh, and to allow a recipient to reverse the effect to restore it back to its original form. The file recipient would need both the application and the unique seven digit settings used by the sender, entering the incorrect settings would only damage the file further.

via Disarming Corruptor – Matthew Plummer-Fernandez.

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