Arrow Electronics at Maker Faire Rome

By on November 15, 2017
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Arrow Electronics is showcasing a host of tools, technologies and expertise for the maker community at Maker Faire Rome. One of the world’s largest distributors of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions, Arrow is becoming one of the most comprehensive sources of data sheets, reference designs and ‘how to’ content on the Internet. Through its partnership with crowdfunding pioneer Indiegogo, Arrow is accelerating new products from idea to manufacturing as well as offering flash funding support for certified projects.

Arrow’s field application engineers will be sharing their knowledge and advice through a series of technical lectures, talks with tips, and hands-on technology demonstrations throughout the event. Arrow’s chief digital officer, Matt Anderson, will hold a presentation.

In the main presentation area, Arrow will be delivering four technical lectures on the topics of System-on-Module (SoM) processor boards and Internet-of-Things (IoT) development boards that can help everyone, from student to corporation, to get an IoT application up and running in the fastest time possible. Further presentations will be given every 30 minutes on the speaker corner of the Arrow booth (7.A.11) in which application engineers explain new technologies and trends.

Demonstrations will cover areas including IoT and smart home/city, imaging and sensing, motor control, 3D printing and wireless communication. A range of community boards for makers will be shown and there will be daily sweepstakes in which visitors can win a DragonBoard410C based around the Qualcomm Snapdragon 64bit processor.

Arrow will be joined on its booth by semiconductor partners ADI, Cypress, Infineon, Microchip and Qualcomm who will also give presentations and demonstrations including a gesture controlled robot arm, an intelligent wireless MESH network and a robot that automatically follows people.


About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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