Arduino Renault TPMS Tyre Pressure Display

By on January 12, 2020
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My wife drives a Toyota Auris Hybrid and sometime ago (winter I think) the TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System) dashboard warning light came on. Unfortunately that is all the information the car gives – no indication of which tyre is the problem or why. Checking the tyres and resetting the TPMS made it go away for a while before the problem quickly returned. At the next car service, it was mentioned to them and whatever they did, it seemed to go away. They stated that one of the tyres was slightly low on pressure which I disputed because I had checked them on several occasions. Anyway the problem seemed to be ‘solved’ but the frustration of not knowing why remained.I was recently using an RTL2832U dongle, SDR (Software Defined Radio) and the excellent RTL_433 software to sniff some 433MHz signals when, to my surprise, up popped some messages about Toyota Tyre pressures. I realised these were coming from my wife’s car outside on the driveway. Given the history (see Part 1!), I thought I should be able to come up with a way to display these tyre pressures in the car using a standalone Arduino and without having to resort to the car’s ODB2 interface and CAN message decoding.


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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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