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Acumos: the AI Open Source Platform

AT&T wants to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. To that end, they’re collaborating with Tech Mahindra to build an open source artificial intelligence platform, Acumos, hosted by The Linux Foundation that makes it easy to build, share and deploy AI applications. The platform will provide a marketplace for accessing, using and enhancing those applications.

Content curation, autonomous cars, drones, and augmented reality/virtual reality are many areas where AI models could be used with the Acumos platform.

The Acumos platform is an extensible framework for machine learning solutions. It provides the capability to edit, integrate, compose, package, train and deploy AI microservices. Simply put, it’s an AI marketplace where applications can be chained to create complex and sophisticated AI services.

Take someone who wants to create an AI application for video analytics. The Acumos platform gives them a variety of applications to choose from, like location tracking and facial recognition. The simple platform interface lets you choose AI capabilities and stitch them together automatically so they function as a single application. In this case, the new service could identify where the video was shot based on background landmarks, and identify the speakers in it – design and deploy in a single interface and with minimal additional code development.

The Acumos platform is built on open source technologies and can federate across the various AI tools available today, enabling easy access for developers and businesses.

“We’re opening up AI. We’re focusing on the telecommunication, media and technology spaces, starting with the network. The platform will be available to anyone and the more users who adopt it, the better it will get,” said Mazin Gilbert, vice president of Advanced Technology at AT&T Labs.

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