Smart Air Cooler with ESP8266

By on January 11, 2022
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I got the inspiration behind this project by reading internet switch tutorial posted by Talha a while ago on Hackster. It was super cool and I thought what could be more wild than controlling just an LED over the internet? Controlling a real appliance maybe! So I decided to build an ESP8266 based quick circuitry, and a web application to control the air cooler in my room over the web.

I have worked on a similar thing in my university’s final year project where I made a smart socket board to control the lights and fans of my room, but it took me almost a year to figure out just the basic technology stack. For example, I built my own hardware and my app, which led me to build my own server backend through which my app sent commands to the appliances and the appliances sent acknowledgments to the app. And the working wasn’t very fast either.

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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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