IRP-102 multi-function “Hat Board” for Raspberry PI on Kickstarter

By on March 30, 2016
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Raspberry Pi Multifunction Hat Board IRP-102 Offers RTC, ADC, LCD, RS232/485 And More

The IRP-102 is an expansion board that brings you an easier way to add multiple function to your Raspberry Pi, making really easy to create a variety of different projects without the use of a protoboard, and is compatible with Raspberry PI models A+, B+, 2-B, Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.

Features of IRP-102:

– RTC: Real time clock, Microchip MCP7490N based. This device allows Raspberry Pi to keep the right time without having internet connection. The clock is backed up by a CR1220 coin cell.

– RS232/485: The board includes RS232 and RS485 interfaces connected  to the UART available in the Raspberry Pi. Both interfaces work in parallel within the same port, allows connecting multiple industrial and legacy devices which still are using serial ports. The access to these ports are bi means of screwed block terminals for easy handling.

– Open collector outputs: IRP-102 incorporates a ULN2803 I.C. which provides high current outputs, allowing the use of relays, motors, or any other device with high power needs. At X5 connector you have two outputs and at X6 you have five more. The remaining output is for activating the onboard led.

– ADC: A two channel ADC is available for taking analog measures. The ADC is connected to the Raspberry Pi I2C bus. This is a MCP3426 by Microchip.

– LCD interface: The board includes a connector for attaching a 2,2” LCD with 320×240 pixel resolution. This display will be managed by SPI-0 bus.

– RFID-NFC interface: Connecting through SPI-1, you can use a RFID reader based on MFRC522 or similar. This means it be able to add read an write card functionality to your project. Although this connector is specifically designed for it, is posible to use it for any other SPI device.

– Opto-isolated inputs: Through a dual optocoupler, the board supports two electrical isolated inputs for detects level changes in external devices.

– I2C connector: This connector allows adding external I2C devices like sensors, memories, controllers, etc

– 1W connector: For managing any 1-Wire device like sensors, actuators, memories, etc.

– DC 5V input: This input is for powering the Hat-Board and Raspberry Pi at the same time by a screwed block terminal. The board includes the same protection elements than the Raspberry Pi B+ or B2.(Fuse, reverse polarity, etc), but the provided voltage must be regulated at 5V. The board also includes a 3.3V LDO to provide this voltage from it instead of taking from Raspberry Pi.


Already 113% funded on Kickstarter and very few hours to go to catch one!

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