Allarmino – Arduino based security alarm & home automation system

By on January 22, 2016
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Seen at the Maker Faire European 2015 edition in Rome, Allarmino is an “all in one” professional and modular security alarm & home automation system, based on Atmel ATmega2560. Is is pin-to-pin compatible with Arduino Mega 2560 and relative bootloader for simply programming through Arduino\Genuino IDE. It works at 3.3V for best coupling with on board and header mount modules.

Here follows the hardware and features list of Allarmino:

  • GSM module with VOICE/SMS/DATA/DTMF capabilities and text-to-speech feature (TTS) in Italian and English (SIM900)
  • header for RF module 315/433/868/915MHz ISM/SRD band (CC1101)
  • header for RF module 2.4 GHz (NRF24L01)
  • header for Wi-Fi module (ESP8266-01)
  • header for Ethernet module (ENC28J60)
  • header for I2C BUS
  • header for 3+3W audio amplifier module (PAM8403) used for PWM and GSM/TTS with separate volume control and header for 2 speakers
  • on board PWM audio out with low-pass filter and volume control (see audio amplifier module)
  • on board header for LCD Display 16×2 and RGB backlight controlled by software
  • on board header for 4×4 Keypad
  • on board MicroSD slot
  • on board USB-UART interface for programming (CP2101)
  • on board UART header for programming by external USB adapter (3.3V)
  • on board ICSP header for SPI programming (3.3V)
  • on board 2 x 256K EEPROM memory
  • on board 4MB FLASH memory
  • on board Bus RS485 with header (MAX485)
  • on board Real Time Clock (PCF8593T) with Super Capacitor Backup
  • on board dual software voltmeter for power supply and battery check
  • on board led (like Arduino PIN 13)
  • on board 8 wired inputs for normal closed or balanced contact loop
  • on board 4 SPDT relays out
  • on board 3 open collector out
  • on board header for enclosure tamper switch
  • on board DC-DC power supply for 3.3V and 5V
  • on board 12V charger for backup sealed lead acid battery
  • external AC 220V to DC 14V 3A Power Supply
  • ABS enclosure whith tamper switch, AC power supply and battery compartments. External size: 300mm(L) 220mm(W) 75mm(H)
  • Main Board size: 130mm x 190mm

Source: Allarmino – Arduino based security alarm & home automation system

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