GSM Remote Control

By on March 18, 2011
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Well, let’s now take a look at the Notices window that we can find in the remote control with two inputs, in the DTMF remote control and in the GSM thermostat.

There, you can specify, for each phone number included in the list of master numbers, that in case of failure it has to receive the alert via SMS, with a simple phone call, or by means of both methods. The selection is made by putting a tick in the boxes, on the understanding that it is not mandatory for the numbers to receive the notifications: the remote control also works without activating the function.

SMS or Voice Alert

For the GSM remote control 2 IN – 2 OUT, and the DTMF remote there is, in the main window, a tab used to set the alarm logic and the timing for the detection of the input alarms. Specifically, the tab allows to check (by querying the remote control) or to change the alarm conditions recognized at the inputs, namely the activation logic (i.e. if the input must be considered in alarm when power is supplied or in absence of power or just when there is a change in the status) the inhibition time between a level determining an alarm and the next one, as well as the observation period, that is the time range for which the alarm condition must persist in order to be considered as such.


When checking the option box Request Set Times  and by clicking on Run on the Timing  section, you can request the state of the intervals set for the recognition of the input alarms, the program responds with the notice box shown here.


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